Counselling and mental health services for indigenous people.
About Maxine Ballantyne

Mental Health Therapist

My name is Maxine Ballantyne, and I am a BISW, RSW, and Registered Mental Health Therapist,

I specialize in providing guidance and support for Indigenous clients in the local area. I passionately believe you should have access to a place where you can feel free to express yourself and heal from traumatic experiences.

Services We Provide

IHTherapy provides a full menu of services as follows, focusing on serving the region's Indigenous people.

Narrative Therapy

Talking helps you heal, and we’re here to talk

Inner child Healing

The inner child affects your life more than you know


A proven aid to recovery and confidence growth

Grief and loss

We want to help you learn to cope with grief and loss

Trauma-Informed Practice

We will empower you with and help you re-take control

Addictions Therapy

Let us guide you away from addictions that run your life

Suicide Prevention

Don’t let suicidal thoughts rule; talk to us

Healing Circles

Sharing your story with others can take a weight off your shoulders
Our Process

Easy to get approved

Maxine and IHTherapy have a lengthy track record in indigenous healing. We are dedicated to making the process easy


Step 1: Fill out the intake form

Put your details on the form and press send; it takes just a few seconds.

Step 2: Get NIHB Approval

We will check your details and confirm your approval with NIHB (Non-insured health benefits)

Step 3: Start Healing

– Now you begin a journey to a new, empowered life free of burden
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My Programs


Psychology Therapy

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Restoring Confidense

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Work Improvements

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Our Testimonials

What our clients say


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions or concerns about our services or process?

Here we have answered our most frequently answered questions

  • What kind of therapy do you offer?
    We have all our services listed on our services page. Narrative Therapy, Inner Child Healing, Hypnotherapy, Grief and Loss, Addictions Therapy, Trauma-informed practice, suicide prevention, and healing circles. We also provide services that may not be listed. Contact us for any inquiries.
  • What is NIHB?
    NIHB stands for Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Inuit. The program provides coverage for professional mental health counselling to complement other mental wellness services that may be available to clients or in communities. The program provides eligible clients with coverage for benefits not available under other federal, provincial, territorial, or private health insurance.
  • How do I know if i have NIHB?
    To be eligible, a client must be a resident of Canada, and one of the following: a First Nations person who is registered under the Indian Act (commonly referred to as a "Status Indian") an Inuk recognized by an Inuit land claim organization as outlined in Inuit client eligibility for the NIHB program a child less than 2 years old whose parent is an NIHB-eligible client
  • Where is therapy offered
    We cover all of Saskatchewan in-office and out of office therapy.
  • Im out of town with no transportation, can you assist?
    Transportation can be facilitated through NIHB if medically required health services are not available: — on reserve — in the community of residence
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